orange cranberry scones


I love that the month of January provides us with oranges! A good orange is my most favorite type of citrus.

I remember falling in love with oranges while studying abroad in Granada, Spain my junior year of college. I arrived there the month of January, and oranges were all we ate. They came straight from the tree and were just delicious. Every cafe and bar in the city would have a big bowl of oranges sitting next to its juicer. You could order and enjoy a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice anytime you liked.

There’s also nothing like an orange from a tree in Southern California. They too are just delicious — juicy and sweet, with a little bit of tart. So I was super ecstatic when my husband returned home last week with a plastic bag full of oranges that he’d just picked from a co-worker’s tree, thank you!!

We’ve been partaking in, as well as rationing them, all week. This morning I made a batch of orange cranberry scones for a breakfast treat.


In case you’ve not tried it, you NEED to try this scone recipe. It’s killer, I mean seriously amazing!  When I make these scones, they’re always a hit. They’re oh, so flavorful and they just melt in your mouth (unlike a traditional scone that’s usually pretty dry!).

The recipe on this blog is for a lemon poppy seed scone, but it’s super easy to change it up. Simply follow the recipe, but when it calls for lemon zest or juice then use orange instead, and when it calls for poppy seeds, omit them and use a 1/8 c chopped craisins instead.

Hope you enjoy!

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